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Appreciation towards GLA Design for providing the following description:
Hangzhou Hangxing Road Primary School is located in the Liangzhu Formation in the northwest of Hangzhou, adjacent to the beautiful landscape belt along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. East of the current land use is the landscape belt along the tributaries of the Canal, and the rest are mostly farmland, vacant sites and a small number of rural settlements, showing a natural and ecological landscape around. Hangzhou is the starting city of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the site of the World Material Cultural Heritage. The architects intend to integrate the campus landscape into the canal ecological landscape, provide children with a natural and dynamic growth space, and at the same time improve their understanding of the city’s landscape, history and humanities.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project

In order to reduce the traffic noise from the main road/arterial road on the west side of the venue, the sports venue is set on the west side as a transition, and the open sports venue also provides a good landscape. On the north side, parking lots and plazas form a buffer zone, a space for drop-off and pick-up, alleviating urban traffic congestion. Built on the north side to decrease traffic noise with teaching area on the southeastern wing, the administrative office will enjoy a quiet and beautiful environment.
▼整体布局,project overall layout

▼北侧以停车场和广场组成校前集散区,on the north side, parking lots and plazas form a buffer zone

▼运动场地设置于西侧作为过渡,开阔的运动场地提供了良好的景观面,the sports venue is set on the west side as a transition, and the open sports venue also provides a good landscape

The main school complex comprises teaching area, sports and arts office area and hospitality area. The circular wind and rain corridor connects all the functional areas, making the building an organic whole. The school organizes the campus with the “garden” as the basic component: The teaching complex is connected with the whole area by a north-south axis, and each courtyard is connected into a whole by a wind and rain corridor. This works inherits from and elaborates on the organizing technique of “half-room and half-courtyard” in Chinese traditional architectural garden space. In the orthogonal grid system of the site, U-shaped building volume is selected as the basic module unit, which is repeated and combined to meet the needs of multiple functions. U-shaped building monomer encloses multiple courtyard spaces, permeates each other, stacks courtyards into gardens, and creates a gardening campus environment in which courtyards are embedded, enclosed and not separated.
▼U型建筑单体围合成多个院落空间,并相互渗透、叠院成园,营造出园院相嵌、围而不隔的园林化校园环境,U-shaped building monomer encloses multiple courtyard spaces, permeates each other, stacks courtyards into gardens, and creates a gardening campus environment in which courtyards are embedded, enclosed and not separated

Courtyard plays a key role in the traditional academy. The quiet courtyard isolates the outside noise, and the students can immerse in the thick academic atmosphere. Drawing on the landscape sequence of traditional dwellings, the design organizes the courtyard space with the central landscape axis: Courtyard space can be divided into open courtyard and closed courtyard. External courtyard provides visual communication with the natural environment outside the teaching area, unfolds the enthusiasm and attitude of extending to nature, and expresses respect for the natural landscape. Internal-oriented courtyard becomes the center of view of the surrounding courtyard. Two different courtyards show different artistic concepts of gardening through the corresponding landscape design techniques.
▼院落空间分为外向开放院落和内向封闭院落,courtyard space can be divided into open courtyard and closed courtyard

Each cluster courtyard is partitioned by the grey space of corridor in space, but the infiltration of viewshed and air flow are not blocked, deepening the perception of physical space. Each functional unit in a layer of enclosed and incompatible spatial structure, provides the possibility of inter-courtyard path and line of sight penetration, so that pedestrians get the experience of walking scene, while increasing the possibility of more rich and diverse student activities. Eventually, the experience in the campus space changes from the experience of traveling between buildings to the one through the courtyards. Changing the experience of relaxing activities on both sides of the road into the one under the shade of trees in the courtyard, it presents the space scene of the natural academy under the big tree of ritual and by the almond grove of teaching, which makes the school become a modern academy on the cultural path of the Grand Canal.
▼校园空间中的体验由原来在建筑之间的穿行体验变化为在各个庭院中的穿行体验,the experience in the campus space changes from the experience of traveling between buildings to the one through the courtyards

▼框景,frame view

▼各个组团院落在空间上被连廊这一灰空间分割,但视域的渗透和气流的流动却没有被阻断,使得院落的空间层次感加深,each cluster courtyard is partitioned by the grey space of corridor in space, but the infiltration of viewshed and air flow are not blocked, deepening the perception of physical space

The architecture adopts the traditional Chinese architectural intention, combines with the modern processing technique, and integrates with the whole canal landscape of Hangzhou. Roof echoes the traditional landscape, on the basis of generalization techniques, using zigzag roofs to simulate rolling natural mountains, and to reflect the shape and charm of natural mountains; white painted walls and grey tiled roofs correspond to the traditional architectural powder wall tile, with local wood-like materials and bamboo decorative construction responding to the wooden characteristics of traditional architecture. From space to form, the whole building contains both the charm of traditional architecture and the spirit of modern architecture.
▼屋面形式呼应传统山水,采用概括提炼手法,用曲折的屋面模拟连绵起伏的自然山脉,力求体现自然山峦的形态和神韵,roof echoes the traditional landscape, on the basis of generalization techniques, using zigzag roofs to simulate rolling natural mountains, and to reflect the shape and charm of natural mountains

▼白色涂料墙面与灰色瓦屋面搭配局部的仿木材质与竹子等装饰构建,回应传统建筑中的木构特征,white painted walls and grey tiled roofs with local wood-like materials and bamboo decorative construction responding to the wooden characteristics of traditional architecture

In Sanwei Book House, Lu Xun not only depicted the atmosphere of the academy with thick humanistic ambience, but also described the courtyard activities more vividly: There is also a garden behind the Sanwei Book House, albeit small; one can still climb to the flower bed to pick wintersweet flowers, or on the ground or on the osmanthus trees, find cicada. The funniest thing is to catch flies and feed them to ants, silently and silently … Curiosity is one of the greatest characteristics of children; the form of nature, natural sentiment, and the sound of nature must evoke their interest and fire endless associations. This is the experience the Canal Academy wants to bring to its children, believing that it will nurture generations of students in hustle-and-bustle city.
▼庭院夜景,courtyard night view

▼校园夜景,school night view

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,first floor plan

▼二层平面图,second floor plan

▼三层平面图,third floor plan



项目设计 & 完成年份:2018
Project name: Hangzhou Hangxing Road Primary School
Design: GLA Design
Website: www.gla-design.com
Contact e-mail: gla_press@163.com
Design year & Completion Year: 2018
Leader designer & Team: GLA Design
Project location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Gross Built Area: 14153㎡
Photo credits: HOU Bowen
Partners Engineering design: Zhejiang Jiahua Architectural Design
Clients: Hangzhou Liangzhu Culture City Group Co., Ltd.
Brands / Products used in the projrct: Exterior windows and wood-like aluminium alloys: Dongliang Aluminum Industry /Exterior wall coating: Dulux /Chinese-style tile: Hangzhou Youjia Building Materials
More: GLA建筑设计 。更多关于他们:GLA Design on gooood